Sunday, May 11, 2008


I tried to think of something really creative to write to Mom on this day of Mothers, but my flow of creativity just isn't flowing today. This list is all I got.

1. Mom answers the phone when I call even if I have already called multiple times that day

2. Mom listens as I sob about life's little trials

3. Mom lets me call her Homeslice

4. Mom taught me how to make food

5. Mom and I share some of the same pet peeves so we understand each other pretty well

6. Mom taught me how to magnify my callings

7. Mom thinks I'm funny

8. Mom taught me organization skills

9. Mom used to stay up late with me when I was in high school, just to talk

10. Mom is optimistic about the ups and downs of life

I love Mom 2,088 x infinity + 7

1 comment:

B said...

I love mom too. Your mom that is. And mine too I guess..:)