Welcome to Hamilton's Fraser High School

The Main Office

It is compulsory for the students at Fraser High to wear uniforms-I am glad I didn't ever
attend a school with uniforms.

The Main Office

It is compulsory for the students at Fraser High to wear uniforms-I am glad I didn't ever
attend a school with uniforms.
I have included some pictures of the whole school, but in reality I spent all of my time in the PE Department staff room, on the turf or fields, and in the gyms. I went to the main staff room most mornings for Staff Briefing but I really didn't experience a whole lot of the school until I wandered around a took pictures during my last week.

Quad/Patio area where the students sat for lunch and during morning tea

And now on to my little world

The facilities here are amazing! They have four gyms (one complete with a rock climbing wall and equipment for gymnastics i.e. mini trampolines, mats, climbing ropes, etc.)

The school has two huge fields for the students to use

This is just one of them
There is also a large, fenced in turf the students use for field hockey, touch, netball, and tennis

This is where I spent all of my time (when I wasn't in class)

There are desks and drawers that go all around the room and each staff member has their own little space. The PE department staff is made up of twelve teachers and they were all fabulous to work with.
This is who is spent all of time my with (when I wasn't in class)
Candace Barker
I think this is one of the math buildings. I think they have tried to categorize the buildings and put all of the math in one area and all of the science in another, etc.

Quad/Patio area where the students sat for lunch and during morning tea

And now on to my little world

The facilities here are amazing! They have four gyms (one complete with a rock climbing wall and equipment for gymnastics i.e. mini trampolines, mats, climbing ropes, etc.)

The school has two huge fields for the students to use

This is just one of them
There is also a large, fenced in turf the students use for field hockey, touch, netball, and tennis

This is where I spent all of my time (when I wasn't in class)

There are desks and drawers that go all around the room and each staff member has their own little space. The PE department staff is made up of twelve teachers and they were all fabulous to work with.
This is who is spent all of time my with (when I wasn't in class)
Candace Barker

Candace started teaching at Fraser about a year ago. She was always so nice and easy to talk to. She always asked me what my plans were for the weekend, remembered them, and asked me how they went the following Monday.
Michelle Tupper

Don't let this picture fool you. Michelle is actually 6'5" and solidly built. She moved to New Zealand from South Africa a while ago and is currently an official New Zealand citizen. She's a wicked netball player and prides herself in connecting with her students. Once she found out I was Mormon she tried to tone down her strong choice of words. I appreciated her efforts even though it only lasted for a day or so. Her intentions were thoughtful...
Keryn Barr

Keryn introduced me to Outdoor Education. She did a great job with showing me the ropes of the program and answering my questions. She's traveled all over the world (and when I say all over I mean all over, with the exception of the US and South America). She grew up in Hamilton and actually attended Fraser High. She's planning a trip to the US in the next year or so and I am hoping she will stop through wherever I am to see me.
Emma Grogan

Emma and I worked together in Sports Science. She gave me incredible feedback and was so willing to adapt her plans to help me out. She grew up in Christchurch and moved to Hamilton for a job. She started at Fraser as a reliever and eventually landed a full time position. As a going away present, she passed on the most awesome Baby Teacher/Reliever Survival Kit that was given to her when she started teaching. She was a great reference.
I really enjoyed my time at Fraser and I really enjoyed working with these people. We're having a little party tomorrow and it will be pretty difficult to say goodbye. I didn't mesh well with any of the teachers in Logan so saying goodbye wasn't difficult at all; it was more like saying good riddance. But this. This one will not be easy...
Welcome home Jal!!! I hope you had a great learning experience and fun too.
I am wondering if you could get me some pictures that you put in G-ma's album that you made her. They are the ones of Casey and Trysten especially the one of Casey and Trysten walking together close up.
Well take care, I will be in Logan on Saturday if you are around let us know. Love Aunt Karen
Looks like you had a GREAT time! You asked for my address...
303 Meadow Circle, Logan, UT 84321
Welcome home! Carol
Jalayne, long time no see. My sister Kacey showed me you had a blog and I couldn't believe it. I think the last time I saw you was around Middleschool or so. I hear you're in Logan, it would be fun to catch up sometime if you're free and if you ever get this message. I don't know any other way to contact you. I'm only in Utah for May, come June I move to Seattle. So if you do get this and want to meet up let me know, my email is kristyearl@gmail.com. See ya.
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