Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Time to Say Goodbye to the Scotsman

Last night we attended the final home game for the Aggie basketball team. They honored the three seniors: Kris Clark (I will miss watching his handsome face run up and down the court) Steve DuCharme (good riddance) and Jaycee Carroll (he started playing my freshman year; it will be really weird to experience Aggie basketball next year without him on the court).

I thought about it last night, and next year at this time, I will be doing the Scotsman for the last time as a student at Utah State University. It's a bitter/sweet yet very welcome emotion.

In my college career I have had two goals for Aggie basketball games:
Goal #1: To stand within the first five rows. CHECK
I accomplished this goal at the beginning of the season because Gil had the hook up for good
seats. FOURTH row baby! It's a whole 'nuther experience bein' that close to the court.
Goal #2: To either be the person or be friends with the person who catches a Domino's Pizza Frisbee right before half time. CHECK
This goal was met last night when my neighbor, Cameron, caught a Frisbee right after he told
his girlfriend "I never catch a Frisbee. I am not even going to try this time." He was kind
enough to share with those who saved him a seat.

We (Colette, Cassie, and Brady) went to Angie's-"where the locals eat"-after the game. I enjoyed a delicious scone; Colette and Cassie had pancakes, and Brady attempted to "clean the sink" all by his lonesome. He didn't come close even after a little help from the rest of us.

Now that I've accomplished my goals and it's time to put the Scotsman away for another season, it's now time to focus on some different goals-like finding someone to make me a True Aggie...


Chris said...

I thought the title was "Time to Say Goodbye to the Scrotum." Yours is much more family-friendly. I sat on the blue-haired (booster) side of the court for the Nevada game this year and was the only fan doing the Scotsman. I stood up with pride whilst observing the game with the people I derided my whole life.

Kim said...

If I remember correctly, there are plenty of single guys that gather at the "A" on full moons with the hope to find a lone-loganer to make them a True Aggie. Waddaya know!? If you go by yourself, you may find just such a man and you'll discover that you have similar goals...to become true aggies before graduation. Then it will be love at first kiss. And you will have accomplished your first goals together!

Jalayne said...

I will not kiss a man I just met.

Justin said...

I miss the Scotsman.

Candalyn said...

Is that my Brady? His face is so distorted I can't even tell...

I didn't even make it to any games this year. And reading that, I'm really regretting it, because I really am done for good. Sad.

Jalayne said...

Yes, it is your Brady. We've been hanging out with him lots lately.