Tuesday, September 1, 2009


For those who were curious about how my blind date turned out...it turned out the same way they always do. We had a good time and he said he'd call again sometime. But don't worry, I didn't get my hopes up. I've learned that boys aren't truthful at the doorstep. Instead of being honest and not saying anything at all they get word vomit and say things they don't mean like "I'll call you again sometime." So it was another date that turned out the same way as all the rest; but I'll not be deterred from giving anything a shot. Anyone care to throw another one my direction?


Colette said...

I will gladly throw you one . . . except he is 1400 miles away!

Jalayne said...

That does pose a slight problem.

Audrey and Mike said...

Hi! I'm a friend of Kim's. I have "another shot" for you, perhaps. He's 27, a computer programmer, my kids' favorite uncle, and, well . . . let's just say I would love to see what could happen.