Thursday, March 20, 2008

Family Power and Influence

In one of my classes today we discussed power-in communities, in families, between cultures, within the nation, etc. We mostly focused on power in the family. We were asked to write down the names of the people within our immediate families and then to rank them in order from most power to least power (1 being the most). I thought it was an interesting idea. I thought I would share my list with you and then ask for yours. Keep in mind that our definition of power was: influence (influence on decision making, how things are done, planned, and carried out, etc.)

I found it interesting that a lot of the middle children in my class all felt like they had the least amount of power in their families. I guess that's Middle Child Syndrome being expressed.

To my aunts and uncles: I am curious to know how you would rank the power in your own families now (wife, kids) and in your family when you were growing up (dad, mom, sibs).

Disclaimer: These rankings don't say anything about how I feel towards my siblings. Lots of power doesn't mean lots of love and it doesn't mean no love. Little power doesn't mean more love and it doesn't mean less love. You get the point...this is just the way I see it and I am curious to know how my own family would rank us.



Anonymous said...

I would surmise that everyone's power ranking would be different based on his/her own bias and position in the family.

george & clarine review said...

Does this make you a power broker?

Jalayne said...

Mom, your statement is true. And I think it's interesting to see those differences based on bias and ranking.

Amy R said...

In the family I grew up in I would rank my power quite low, probably not the lowest in the family, but I didn't want power and that is why it was low. I still don't want power in most situations. I am a follower and always have been. However, in my family now, I am probably number 1 in the power ranking.

Justin said...

I think Jalayne's ranking of our family was right on.