Monday, March 31, 2008

Plasma and Prostitution

So I'm a plasma donor. Is this wrong? I don't think so. I've been a faithful donor since mid February (with the exception of Spring Break) and I don't feel bad about it. In fact, I think it's a great way to earn money! $30 per donation is a good deal to me. It only takes two hours so that's like making fifteen bucks an hour. Plus! you can donate up to two times a week so that's sixty bucks a week added to what I make for teaching piano lessons.

However, I have been asked "Do you feel like donating plasma is a form of prostitution?" And the answer is "I most certainly do not!" Especially since the definition is, and I quote from Mirriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, "pros-ti-tu-tion: the act or practice of engaging in promiscuous sexual relations esp. for money" I am positive that I don't do anything sexual when donating plasma.

The process is quite simple: You enter door number one where you are weighed and they prick your finger to test protein levels. You then enter door number two where they take your blood pressure, temperature, and ask questions like "Have you read the AIDS bulletin that has been provided for you?" or "Are you aware you should report symptoms of West Nile Virus up to two weeks after donating?" (pretty harmless questions with the same answers every time) You then go into a big room with lots of beds where they stick you with a needle and hook you up to a machine. You squeeze a piece of plastic pipe while the machine gathers blood, centrifuges it, sends the blood back into your body, and drips the plasma into a large, plastic bottle. The gathering and centrifuging process happens at least three times in one visit. The amount of plasma you donate depends on your current weight. All of this happens while you watch movies and do homework. It's a good deal, I tell ya.

See? No sex. Therefore, plasma is not a form of prostitution.


Kim said...

So while it's not a form of prostitution, the term "donating plasma" is false. Truthfully you sell your plasma twice a week.

Justin said...

What moron asked if you felt like you were engaged in prostitution? I fail to see the connection. Some people are really dumb.

Jalayne said...

I agree with you, Justin. I have also encoutered a lot of people that ask if I feel guilty. "Don't you feel bad? I mean, your selling something that God has blessed you with!" I guess I just don't feel that way

Justin said...

Oh dear. It's those kind of people that I am very happy that I no longer encounter now that I am away from Cache Valley. That is actually a very selfish attitude. You don't need all of your plasma just like you don't need all of your blood. Other people do need it however. Poor sheltered ignorant children. Did their parents teach them nothing?!

The Browning Family said...

You go Girl! Donate all you can!!! (I love Justins comments, he cracks me up!!) (This is Ash's sis)

Anonymous said...

I think it is great, it helps you and others. So there for it is a good thing right? Go for it girl!

george & clarine review said...

You are a very clever girl. You know how to choose the proper title to generate great interest in your blog. gwh

Candalyn said...

I just thought I'd tell you that I'm so impressed with a) how often you post, and b) how interesting your posts are. I love reading your blog!

I think I'm going to prostitute my husband for his plasma... I'm too scared of needles to do it myself. :)