Sunday, September 28, 2008

And the Verdict Is...

I have been battling where to do my student teaching. The options are pretty much endless and having an endless amount of options overwhelms me a little bit. Since last spring semester, I have been trying to figure out where to go. I considered staying in the valley, I have considered leaving the state, I just didn't know what to do. Starting school was really hard because I felt like it was forcing me to make a decision and I wasn't ready to do that. After much careful consideration, I have decided where I am going to do my student teaching! From January until the end of February, I am going to student teach in Logan. I don't have my specific placement yet, but I am going to stay in the valley-this I know. From the end of February until the end of April, I am going to be doing my student teaching in...NEW ZEALAND!

During the summer, I noticed a poster advertising a study abroad program for student teaching in New Zealand. I thought about it, attended the informational meeting, thought about it some more and made a decision. The program begins 27 February and ends the 22 April. They are going to place us with families to live with and schools to teach in. We fly into Aukland and we'll spend a day there and then head off to Hamilton. With the exception of the first weekend and few excursions, I will be spending my time in Hamilton-that's on the North Island, just south of Aukland. I am very excited for this opportunity!


Evebluelyn's Rambling said...

New Zealand!!! So exciting and I am so jealous! Maybe I'll just have to come visit.

george & clarine review said...

I knew Evelyn would generate some entusiasm for that choice. gwh

Hatch Family said...

So cool Jalayne! We are so excited for you! Can I still come? :-)Love ya

Justin said...

I think it's cool that you are taking the opportunities that you have to see the world. I'm excited for you. I want you to bring me back an authentic Ruby jersey. Not that I am a ruby fan but it would still be cool.

Heather said...

For real!? Wow that's awesome

Anonymous said...

Whoa! That's awesome! Brad and I were actually supposed to go there for his PhD in Aukland. We would've been there by now and stayed for about 2-3 years. Funny how things change. That's awesome, though! We're really jealous!!

Kim said...

That's awesome Jalayne. Did you know Camille did student teaching there too? She did last winter semester, so you should talk to her about it! I know she loved it.