Sunday, December 14, 2008

The All-Nighter

Back in the days of high school, I pulled my very first all-nighter. We went to Travis' cabin in Driggs for a student government retreat. About seven of us decided we wanted to sleep under the stars on the trampoline. We loaded up with blankets and pillows and fully intended to sleep, but it never happened. We told story after story and talked our way until dawn. We watched the sun rise behind the Tetons (now I know what "purple mountain majesties" really means) and then helped ourselves to some breakfast. I slept the entire ride home and proceeded to take a nap once I got home. My first all-nighter was a good experience and a lot of sleep followed afterwards. This next experience was a little different...

After our little mow crew Christmas party last Thursday night, we (Jessie, Lacee, and I) had some errands to run. By the time we were finishing up those errands it was 1:00 in the morning and we were at Wal-Mart. "Let's pull an all-nighter!" Jessie exclaimed. I enthusiastically responded, "I'm for all for it, as long as we DO something. We can't just watch movies or else I will fall asleep." We convinced Lacee how fun this would be and loaded up on some goodies. After purchasing two 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper (each bottle was only 88 cents-88 CENTS PEOPLE! And this was name brand Dr. Pepper mind you), peanut butter M&Ms, Red Vines, Starbursts, and some crackers we headed to Lacee's for a night/morning of fun.

We started with a couple rounds of Yahtzee!

Drank some Dr. Pepper (I did NOT drink this whole bottle, I maybe got a quarter of the way through

After Yahtzee! we entertained ourselves with a few good shake-face pictures.

I don't quite know how I get so much air so high in my cheeks. I guess it is an art-form and I have mastered it...

After calming ourselves down from the laugh attacks caused by the shake-face pictures, we played Skipbo. Each of us won a round (how convenient) and decided to move onto something else.

It just kept getting later and later (or earlier and earlier, depending on how you look at it) and we needed to find something else to do.

I kept myself busy by taking some ugly pictures...

...while Lacee got the latest episode of "The Office" up and running...

...and Jessie entertained herself with a pillow and the linoleum floor.

After "The Office" (which is only twenty minutes) we were really struggling. So we played with our faces.

We played a couple rounds of Imagine Iff... (and I won both, thank you very much), and counted down the minutes until we could go do step aerobics at my house.

Jessie pretended to pass out on her Dr. Pepper

And she threatened to whip me with a piece of licorice any time I closed my eyes

Around 5:00am, Lacee's roommate opened her door and informed us that she was "coming out now". She walked into the room, covered her eyes (I am assuming because the lights were so bright) and asked what time it was. We informed her of the time, to which she responded "Umm, I don't know what I am doing here." And then she turned around and went back to bed. My favorite part is that she has absolutely no recollection that this ever occurred.


We made it! It was one of the funnest nights/mornings I have had in a long time.

I nursed my remaining Dr. Pepper for the rest of the day. I packed my stuff, and drove to Stansbury Park to visit my grandpa. I baby-sat Quinn and Elliott and didn't sleep a wink until 11:00 Friday night. Needless to say, I was pretty exhausted this weekend; but the best part is that I don't regret a second of it.

Why stay up all night, you ask? Because we could. No homework, no work, nothing! Isn't that reason enough? We wanted to celebrate our lack of educational responsibility by being completely irresponsible regarding a fitful sleep. We put our time in for the semester. We studied. We completed our projects/assignments. We took our finals. We passed our classes. After all of that we certainly deserved something! So we rewarded ourselves with a little rebellion. If that's as rebellious as I get, is there really any reason to complain?


paige and jord said...

ha ha thats hilarious. and looks like such a good time... i am a dr. pepper addict :)

Ben and Camille said...

that is so funny--i love it. i especially love your HUGE-LIPS-filled-with-air picture! It cracked me up.
Miss ya!

hayleemj said...

haha awesome!! Married life sucks all the fun out of me... I don't know when the last time was I pulled and all nighter nor ever will again! I remember the Student Body Retreat one though... SOO FUN!!!

george & clarine review said...

When you got here to Stansbury Park, you looked as fresh as a daisy to me. (Could it be that I am just getting old?) gwh