Monday, June 23, 2008

Justy Wusty

Happy Birthday, Justin! It's a few days early (actual birthday is June 29) because of the family reunion/wedding in Arizona this week. Here's something for Justin that he probably doesn't know:

I have always looked up to Justin. Growing up I tried to do things that would please him and that would make him think I was a pretty dang cool little sister. He always wrestled with Kim to the point that she would be in tears and run in circles around Mom while trying to get away. I laughed and laughed and acted glad that it wasn't me; but inside I was secretly hoping for that kind of attention. The most I got was a "box out!" while I was standing in a corner in the kitchen. Or a "Wanna box?" as he started lightly punching me in the arms.

As we got older Justin and Kim had a certain bond as they attended the same high school and knew the same people. Justin and I didn't really have a relationship as brother and sister until he returned from Brazil. It was after his experience away that our relationship blossomed. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that I was so close to Ashley.

Today I still look up to Justin. I love listening to him talk about politics and sports and movies. His point of view makes me think and helps me to form opinions of my own. He's a thinker and a good example of doing what he believes or knows to be right even when it differs from everyone else.

His passion for sports is something I really admire. Some may scowl or shrug and call his passion a ridiculous obsession-but I LOVE it! It is one of the things that I love most about him. I think it's funny that his feet sweat during a tense game, or that he has binders full of basketball cards, or shoe boxes full of starting line-ups. He's taught me the importance of passion.

I swear Justin actually glowed on his wedding day. Something about Ashley completed him and it was evident in his eyes and in his aura. He's an amazing father and takes good care of his little boys. I have seen levels of patience I didn't know existed until Taylor and Braxton were born.

My favorite thing about Justin though is that he respects me. He respects me as a woman, a sister, an aunt, and a human being. For that I am most thankful.

Justin turns 26 on Sunday; 22 years of being my older brother. Happy birthday, Justin. Keep up the good work!


Justin said...

Thank you for the kind words.

Emily Empey said...

JALAYNE!!!! HOW ARE YOU!! thats a sweet blog! come look at mine and we can keep in touch!