Friday, March 20, 2009

A Disgustingly Expensive Shower

I crawled out of bed this morning to get in the shower and realized that I forgot to grab a new bar of soap and I ran out yesterday. I looked frantically around and all I could find that resembled soap was shampoo. I didn't even have face wash and I needed to wash my face so badly. A greasy face equals lots of pimples, right? So I washed with shampoo because I really had no other choice. So I had a full body wash with shampoo. That is one expensive body wash.

While I was washing my legs I saw two antennas poke out from behind the shower caddy. "That canNOT be good!" I thought. Before I knew it, a little cockroach came crawling out from behind. Now if you knew me you would know that I don't do bugs, spiders, or things that crawl. I was calm enough to know that this didn't constitute a real emergency so screaming bloody murder while standing naked in the shower wasn't an option. I did the first thing I could think of and I formed a bowl with my hands, filled it with water from the shower, and tried to drop it on the nasty thing. After soaking it enough that it wasn't dead but wet enough that it couldn't crawl as fast, I tried to go back to my shower routine. But the moaning and wondering and irregular breathing wasn't going away and I knew I wouldn't feel good about finishing my shower and leaving the room with a live cockroach crawling around somewhere. So as the cockroach gained enough courage to begin to climb the caddy again, I weighed my options and somewhere inside I found enough courage to take my shampoo bottle and knock the disgusting bug to the floor. I watched the bug flow down the drain and I started breathing normally once again.

Now the cockroach is gone but with my luck I will now break out because of the chemicals in the shampoo that I used to wash my face.


Justin said...

Cockroaches are hellish creatures. They are near impossible to kill. I had many experiences such as yours in Brazil, except without the whole shampoo thing.

Abby said...

gross gross gross!! roaches are so disgusting! way to be brave laners!

Jessica said...

Jalayne, you are one tough cookie I probably would have gone with the run out of the bathroom naked and screaming route, but you did the right thing haha! I'm glad everything is going so well