Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's Ba-ack

So it looks like this rash of mine is going to be an annual thing.


Colette said...

Oh - babe, I am really sorry, but I hope you found some cream.

Simply K said...

Hmmm... maybe it's due to that expensive shower you took?? I hope it goes away. Not only do they itch, but you feel like everyone is staring at you thinking, "Oh, she has a rash... yucky." Sorry, just a self-conscious thought of mine that I had to deal with when I got them and I had to go out and perform with my bareness exposed and a man touching me. I would get rashes because of the guys' sweat when we would stunt and I'd fall hard on his arm or I got a rug burn and their sweat got in it... no fun.

Sorry, that was a long comment about nothing...

Shurtliff Family said...

What do you think the rash is from? The shower you took, the sun? Why I say the sun is because I always get a little rash after my first visit to the sun when I bust out the white legs.

Mitch got engaged about a month or so ago. He's been dating Carrie for a while now so they aren't rushing into things thank goodness.

I LOVE the hipocrite post. Hahaha... way too funny. Yeah I must say that I was SHOCKED when I saw that you had cut your hair because of how much you talked about not cutting your hair short again. Laners-- that's why I love you! Take care girlie!