Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm Thankful for My House and My Roommates

Today I would like to take a minute and express gratitude for my wonderful house and for the people I share it with. I am grateful to have a place to call "home"; to protect me from the elements, to be a refuge from the hard days, and to be a place where we can gather as roommates and spend time together. The four of us share a fun, little upstairs apartment. I am thankful for my home-sweet-home.

This is my first semester living with Baker. She is my room-roommate (meaning, we actually share a bedroom). She has been so good for me to live with. I am grateful for her smile and her positive attitude. Because of her example, I am trying to learn how to let the little things roll off my shoulders. Baker doesn't let things bother her and I admire that. I am grateful for her upbeatness.

This is the third semester that I have lived with Colette. I am grateful for her because she likes hugs just as much as I do. When I need a hug, I know I can rely on CoCo. I also appreciate her because she likes to talk. Our conversations have caused me to hone my listening skills. I am grateful for our "little" chats.

The end of this semester will complete four semesters of living with Cassie. I admire Cassie's self-lessness. She's willing to share without giving it a second thought. She thinks about others before she thinks about herself. She knows the coolest birthday song ever and she never fails to make me laugh. I am grateful for Doomer because she knows how to brighten my day.

It never ceases to amaze me how people enter each others' lives. To quote "Wicked"...

I've heard it said
That people come into our lives for a reason
Bringing something we must learn
And we are led
To those who help us most to grow
If we let them
And we help them in return

These three girls have entered my life for a reason and I am grateful for it. I have learned so much from them and their examples. I am thankful for the growth I have experienced in my home with my roommates.

1 comment:

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Looks like you have some pretty awesome roommates!!! You are very lucky!! I too have enjoyed reading your blog and keeping up with your adventures!!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!